The shitshow that was 2020.
2020: A Fiasco
This unique artist book was bound in a hand-painted resin sculpture of a dumpster. It is filled with letterpress printed die-cut garbage along with a shredded Bill of Rights. The lids are removable and along with the garbage you also get a sculpted flag remnant and dog poo to make the shitshow that was 2020 complete.
After last year, in which everything that could go wrong, did, I felt the need to create a piece that commemorates our failings as a society but hopefully encourages everyone to do better—to BE better.
When people of color are murdered on our streets by the very people enlisted and entrusted to protect them; when a pandemic is treated nonchalantly, framed as an illness that "will just disappear" one day; when kids illegally acquire guns and kill people in another state under the guise of self-protection, when racism sinks to new lows—all of these points to a society gone horribly wrong.
Limited to an edition of 22. Sold out.