Pathogenesis 2025
This book as object looks at gun violence in America through the lens of disease. Pathogenesisis is the process by which a disease or disorder develops. It can include factors which contribute not only to the onset of the disease or disorder, but also to its progression and maintenance. The pathogenic mechanisms of a disease (or condition) are set in motion by the underlying causes, which if controlled would allow the disease to be prevented.
Phase 1: Exposure
Phase 2: Incubation
Phase 3: Prodromal/Symptoms
Phase 4: Illness
Phase 5: Decline
Phase 6: Death
Phase 6 could very well be Recovery, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon; Americans will destroy themselves before giving up their military grade weapons.
There are six hexagonal pages for each phase. Each of these pages are illustrated with images for that particular phase and overprinted with the underlying causes or pathogens. 42 pages including colophon.
The book is bound in a 3-D printed pathogen with a bullet casing tray to hold the pages together. The binding is hand-painted and fitted with four different caliber slugs.